裸体を隠すための着衣が痴●行為の隠れミノに… 這いまわる指先、押し殺す声 屈辱に涙をにじませながら潮吹き悶絶アクメ 圧倒的な嫌悪感が子宮から脳天へ突き抜ける快感へ 公然の場で音もなく忍び寄る魔の手 着衣の中で柔肌を這いまわる指先、勃起チンポ パンツの中でうごめく指 新感覚卑猥電車プレイ。
Clothes meant to hide her naked body turn into a hidden molestation… Fingertips crawling around, voices suppressing her, tears of humiliation as she squirts in agony, an overwhelming feeling of disgust turns into pleasure that penetrates from her womb to her brain, in public. The devil’s hand sneaks up on you without a sound, your fingertips crawling over your soft skin under your clothes, your erect cock, your fingers wriggling inside your pants, a new sensation of obscene train play.