実家暮らしの 稲荷ある は 家族でハワイ旅行 を楽しみにしていたが、急遽 お父さんの仕事の都合で キャンセルに。新しい水着を買って いたため、名残惜しい 彼女 は自宅でビキニ 姿で 生活を始める。兄はビキニ姿の妹に悶々とし、勃起が止まらない!ついに我慢できず、禁断の近親相姦をしてしまう。
Aru Inari, who lives at home, was looking forward to a trip to Hawaii with her family, but it was suddenly canceled due to her father’s work. She regretted it because she bought her a new bathing suit and started her life in a bikini at her home. Her brother is annoyed by her sister in a bikini and she can’t stop erecting! She finally can’t stand it and she commits forbidden incest.